
Last updated: November 06, 2023

this is the generic text heading

I'm supposed to be selfish here.

Honestly, when I think back to just 5 years ago, things were incredibly different. its crazy, crazy how much and how little things can change. Not enough people talk about how time feels.

5-year vision

  • In 5 years I'll be 31
  • Working a job I enjoy and Im really loving web design, heres hoping society doesnt collapse and I lose the chance to work this skill, also AI
  • Be making atleast 80k anually.
  • Living my Digital nomads dream, Travelling to cool places, challenging myself with new things, meeting my scattered family and friends
  • Be invested in some adult proving things like an apartment
  • Be a god at Piano and play this!
  • Half-way to retirement, or part timing. So thatd include having a handful passive income streams set up.
  • Finally get to see the release of persona 6!

6 Month

  • Have a Job, full time, ideally remote, that nets me atleast 25/hr
  • Be clear of my student Debt
  • Travel to india and attend my cousin sister's wedding!!

End of the month

  • update goals and resume
  • finish the hunger buster vue3 project
  • Finish up the case studies for my flashcard app, the lottery/roulette and Hunger Buster
  • Write up the CSS to make the PE site theme for my portfolio
  • Finish up my portfolio
  • Push Derek and Brian to provide all study hall data, or letting me do it
  • write up Ivy's job doc
  • after finishing up my portfolio, applying to a bunch of local web development and desgin studios